6 Ways to Stay Competitive in the Health and Fitness Sector

In the dynamic Health and Fitness industry, competition is fierce. Gyms, fitness centres, and leisure clubs are continually seeking ways to stand out and attract more members. One of the most powerful, yet often underestimated, tools at their disposal is Location Intelligence. By using an intuitive, spatial analytics toolkit like Periscope®, fitness brands can gain a significant edge over their rivals and ensure their gyms are in the best locations. Here are a few examples to show you how. 


1. Understanding Market Dynamics

Imagine a gym brand is planning to open a new site in a city. Using a Location Intelligence platform, they can map out the existing competitor landscape, identifying those areas with high market saturation and others with untapped potential. The type of data provided available in Periscope® can reveal that while the city centre is crowded with gyms, fitness centres and leisure clubs, there is a nearby residential area with several new build flats. The area also has a growing population of young singles, a brand’s target audience, with no gyms within a five-mile radius. Armed with these insights from Periscope®, they decide to open their new gym in this underserved area, positioning themselves with the potential to attract a steady stream of new members.

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2. Reaching the Right Demographic

Let’s consider a boutique fitness studio specialising in high-intensity interval training (HIIT). They use Periscope® to analyse and compare demographics, affluency and lifestage data across various neighbourhoods. The data indicates that young professionals, who are the primary target for HIIT classes, are densely populated in the tech-savvy area of the city. Additionally, insights show a high interest in fitness apps and wearable technology in this area. They decide to open a new studio here, integrating technology-driven features such as app-based class bookings and performance tracking to cater to this tech-oriented demographic. 

3. Optimising Site Locations 

Choosing the right location for a new gym or fitness centre is critical. An eco-friendly gym brand is aiming to expand. Using Location Intelligence, they analyse factors such as population density, income levels and commuting patterns. The data reveals that a suburban area with excellent public transport links and a high concentration of environmentally conscious residents is ideal. They select a site near a busy transit hub, ensuring convenience and easy accessibility. Additionally, with Google StreetView integrated into Periscope®, the brand assesses the local area and finds a perfect spot next to a popular organic market, aligning with their brand ethos. 

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4. Enhancing Membership Experience 

Consider a wellness centre that combines fitness with holistic health services focusing on families and communities who typically do not receive health and well-being support. Applying spatial analytics, they discover a residential area where family-oriented services are in high demand. The Periscope® data indicates a significant number of young families looking for comprehensive wellness solutions. In response, they design their new centre to include family fitness classes, childcare services and parent-child yoga sessions. By tailoring their offerings to meet local needs, they enhance member satisfaction and loyalty, distinguishing themselves from their competition. 

5. Tailoring Marketing Campaigns 

Effective marketing is essential for staying ahead of the competition. Picture a new gym aiming to attract members in a bustling urban area. By leveraging Periscope® they analyse local social media trends and community interests. The data reveals a strong local enthusiasm for outdoor fitness events. So, they launch a targeted marketing campaign promoting free outdoor boot camps in nearby parks, targeting social media ads specifically to residents in the local area. This targeted approach not only boosts membership sign-ups, but it also strengthens their brand presence in the community. 

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6. Evaluating Existing Sites 

A gym chain wants to assess the performance of their existing sites. Using Periscope®, they can analyse key profitability metrics across their network. By mapping market penetration and revenue streams, the chain can identify which locations are thriving and which are underperforming. Spatial analytics allow them to compare factors such as local competition, demographic shifts and economic conditions that could impact the performance of each gym location. This data-driven approach ensures that each gym operates to its maximum potential, contributing to the overall health and growth of the business. 

Exercise Smart Growth with Intelligent Insights

Leveraging Location Intelligence is not just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity for achieving growth. Location-based data helps you to gain a substantial edge over your rivals, ensuring you remain competitive and continue to attract and retain loyal members. 

Periscope® is our easy-to-use Location Intelligence and spatial analytics tool designed to empower you with data-driven insights to fuel your growth and expansion strategies.