Newgrove Blog

Personalised marketing at Christmas

For almost 75% of UK retailers, the Christmas period accounts for over 20% of annual sales. That’s why it’s so important to get marketing strategy right during the festive season. Personalised marketing is a proven strategy that can help you drive customers into...

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Fine-tune your strategy to acquire gym members in January

Optimising your business strategy to acquire gym members in January is simply common sense. Here, we'll look at why January is so important for gyms and how you can use location intelligence to improve both customer acquisition and retention. What makes January the...

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The incredible rise of geotagging

Geotagging has become part of our everyday lives. A location is generated almost every time we update our status on social media, post a photo, send a text message or scan a QR code. All this data is a major boon for brands, and is helping to shape the future of...

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Black Friday demands a prime store location

Occupying a prime retail location is rarely more important than over Black Friday weekend. However, optimising your performance relies on having sufficient insight to attribute the necessary resources to the places where they're likely to be most effective. Here,...

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What is location intelligence marketing?

Location intelligence marketing is revolutionising the way brands communicate with both existing and potential customers. By analysing geo-specific data intelligently, you can make your marketing initiatives more successful and ensure you’re reaching out to the right...

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Are Customers Really Letting go of Physical Banking?

The number of physical banking venues dedicated solely to financial services is decreasing rapidly, leading many commentators to speculate whether we're witnessing the death of banking premises altogether. This trend would indicate that customers have now fully...

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Exploring location-based social media intelligence

Location-based social media intelligence has become the go-to source for marketers and location planners. This method uses geotagging data from social media posts alongside content from the post itself and pre-existing customer data to draw actionable insights that...

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What Can I do With Big Data, and Just How Big is it?

Corporate decision makers know they must incorporate data sets of increasing size into their strategies, but this begs the question: “What can I do with Big Data?” Through utilising Big Data, you can achieve a new level of commercial understanding, and discover...

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