Newgrove Blog

Why Bank Branches Still Matter in a Digital World

Bank branches are still a critical resource for financial institutions, despite the meteoric rise of online banking. Find out why bank branches continue to generate revenue and how you can optimise your branch portfolio for the digital age. Why bank branches still...

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Should I Franchise my Business Overseas?

"Should I franchise my business overseas?" It's a question every major business owner has asked at one point or another. Franchising overseas can be immensely rewarding. But, it's a decision that could make or break your business. It requires extensive research as...

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Clever Examples of Location-Based Marketing in Action

75% of marketers worldwide believe location-based marketing will be a crucial factor in driving revenue during 2017, according to the Location Based Marketing Association's 'Global Location Trends Report'. But, what does a successful model look like in action? We've...

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6 Customer Profiling Factors You Should Be Calculating

Accurate, detailed customer profiling is key to creating a marketing strategy that works. This idea is nothing new. But, the digital age made it easier to calculate a whole host of additional variables accurately. Find out more about the range of factors you should be...

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Using Location Intelligence To Establish Customer Intent

Establishing customer intent is key to optimising the ROI of your marketing activities. Relying on demographics or sales data alone gives you a 2D picture of your customers' intentions. Combining these sources with location data provides a 3D overview that can help...

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How To Incentivise Customers To Travel To Your Store

Taking steps to incentivise customers to travel to your stores makes good business sense. By encouraging customers to keep your store regardless of whether it's the most convenient option, you can maximise overall customer value. And, as customer retention costs five...

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Analysing Commercial Property Performance With Big Data

Big Data can provide unrivalled insight into commercial property performance. This enables national and international brands to plan ahead and maximise potential profitability. How to gain commercial property performance insight with Big Data Here's an introduction to...

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Location Analytics In 2017: What We Know So Far

Location analytics in 2017: what we know so far Location analytics is becoming an increasingly integral resource for companies across all industries, according to Dresner's authoritative new '2017 Location Intelligence Market Study Report'. The study looks at the...

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