Newgrove Blog

How to Define, Collect and Use Intent Data

How to Define, Collect and Use Intent Data

Most customer data tells you something useful, such as location, gender or income – all of which could signal a customer is a good target for marketing. But intent data gives you the most useful information of all: confirmation that somebody really is likely to buy...

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An Introduction to Customer Intelligence

An Introduction to Customer Intelligence

At its simplest level, customer intelligence is the process of gathering more information about customers and their preferences and behaviours. Customer intelligence isn’t an academic exercise but a useful gathering of data that helps a business better serve their...

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What’s My Ideal Location

What’s My Ideal Location

Finding a location for a coffee shop that has good footfall - consisting of people in a rush, with money to spare -is an obvious example of how to use location analytics. Yet it’s an approach far beyond physical stores. While retail locations are perhaps the most...

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Using Location-Based Social Media for Business

Using Location-Based Social Media for Business

Discussions surrounding social media often emphasise its ability to reach a worldwide audience with a single click, but it also harnesses a much more localised power. Most social media services will channel some data about a user's location (even if it's an optional...

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Using Location Analytics for Advertising Campaigns

Using Location Analytics for Advertising Campaigns

If you want to target a specific audience, it is useful to find out where they are. If your starting point is a particular area, it is useful to know its make-up. In whatever way you wish to set up an advertising campaign, location analytics can be a valuable ally. If...

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Building Customer Personas With Location Analytics

Building Customer Personas With Location Analytics

Ensuring that as a business efforts are directed to the right target, it is useful to create a profile of the ideal customer, or a so-called customer persona. A company can do this based on its own customer data by working out lifestyle, demographics and buying habits...

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Using Location Analytics to Build Business Scenarios

Using Location Analytics to Build Business Scenarios

Location analytics is one of the fastest growing fields in the business world. Companies are increasingly embracing this discipline to create ever more sophisticated and realistic business scenarios. It is difficult to make sense of disjointed raw data and this data...

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