Newgrove Blog

What makes the perfect location for betting shops?

Identifying the most profitable location for betting shops can be challenging and costly. You have to take account of a huge range of factors and metrics in order to understand the lay of the land, and the elements that motivate your prospective customer base....

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When is the right time to sell a pub and move on?

Deciding when is the right time to sell a pub is never an easy decision. As a nation, we have attached a certain nostalgia-factor to our watering holes. After all, they make up a sizeable chunk of the oldest businesses in the country, and often become the heart of...

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4 ways you can use address verification to your advantage

Address verification is vitally important for companies looking to gain a competitive advantage in the digital age. Without knowing precisely where customers are based, you may inadvertently cause customers to become frustrated with your service, miss sales...

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Understanding geocoding: An introductory guide

Understanding geocoding and its applications for businesses will enable you to optimise your insight gathering, marketing and location planning processes. In this article, we will introduce you to the key concepts of geocoding and technology required to utilise it. We...

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Optimising rental rates with location intelligence

Optimising rental rates is key to operating successfully as a property manager; that much is a given. However, figuring out how to gain a true competitive advantage in an increasingly congested marketplace is not nearly as obvious. In this article, we'll explain how...

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Billion-dollar businesses built on location intelligence

Billion-dollar businesses require something special, both to reach their size and to keep on growing. Investigate some of the most famous examples, and you will find they all have one thing in common: location intelligence. In this article, we will look at three...

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